About PerformWork

The PerformWork.com website can be used to assist you with managing a wide variety of small projects, whether they be:


Provide a service that would:

save time improve would make it easier to method


Peter Noblett, the software architect / author had worked on a variety, of mostly small, projects (IT, HR, medical research, barn conversion etc.) He had not been able to find an easy to use and flexible project management tool that meets his needs so he decided to write one.

These are some of the specific requirements that he felt other packages failed to successfully deliver and have been included in Performwork


Following these key principles will help you deliver a successful project

Key Elements

These are the elements that need to be clearly defined to ensure the expected outcomes are achieved


A key feature of PerformWork is it's flexibilty, you just use the features needed for your specific project.

i.e. Many small projects start with as an idea that has first to be costed. In that case you simply create a new project, give it a name, define what the anticipated outcomes and you can start building a budget.

Manged By

PerformWork Ltd

Cheltenham, England, UK
To contact please use the Contact Us option

PerformWork has been designed to take the stress out of managing small projects

We have two videos that explain more, if you are pressed for time there is a quick 40 second video else there is an 8 minute one that goes into more detail
Register for a free trial

Managing small projects made easy

Quick Overview - 40 sec Video»
Detailed Overview - 8 min Video»

PS. Check out the book Managing Small Projects available from Amazon

Written by the developer of the PerformWork.com website

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